Babel: Or the Necessity of Violence

Summary & Review - Festiva Lagoon

2023-08-11 | 05:18h
2023-09-06 | 16:10h
Babel: Or the Necessity of Violence | Summary & Review

Get ready to be blown away by R.F. Kuang’s “Babel: or the Necessity of Violence” which blends historical accuracy with fantasy, and challenging perceptions of colonialism, power, and identity. 

Set against the backdrop of an alternate 1830s Britain, the novel takes readers on an immersive journey, navigating the complexities of language, magic, and morality. 


This article provides a comprehensive summary and review of Kuang’s masterful narrative, exploring the intricate layers that make “Babel” a standout piece in modern literature. Dive in to understand the magic and mastery behind this acclaimed novel.



Babel: Or the Necessity of Violence | Summary

“Babel: or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators’ Revolution” is an inventive and ambitious novel that weaves fantasy with historical elements, encapsulating themes of imperialism, colonialism, identity, and the magic of language. 

Set in an alternate 1830s Britain, the novel’s protagonist, Robin Swift, is a Chinese-born boy taken to England by Professor Lovell after the tragic death of his mother during a cholera epidemic. 

The young boy’s journey starts with him selecting his own name, hinting at deeper explorations of identity and belonging in the narrative. Robin is trained rigorously in languages like Latin, Greek, and Chinese under Lovell’s stern watch, preparing him for the prestigious Royal Institute of Translation at Oxford, colloquially known as Babel.

Babel’s significance is its expertise in silver-working, a magical practice wherein meaning lost during translation is encapsulated through enchanted silver bars to produce magical effects. This process empowers the British Empire, showcasing the immense power that language holds. 

As Robin integrates himself into Babel, he grapples with questions of identity and loyalty, especially as he finds himself at the crossroads of aiding the British Empire’s colonial pursuits or aligning himself with the Hermes Society, an organization set on undermining Babel’s powers.

Historical Context: 1830s Britain vs. “Babel: or the Necessity of Violence” Depiction

The 1830s was a transformative period in British history, marked by pivotal events that reshaped the socio-political and scientific landscape of the country. During this decade, Britain saw a marked rise in imperialism and colonialism, particularly in Asia and Africa. 

The coronation of Queen Victoria in 1837 ushered in a powerful era for the British Empire, marking the beginning of a long reign that saw the UK grow both territorially and economically. 

Under her rule, Britain experienced an upheaval of colonial power, as over a quarter of the world came under British rule.

This decade also witnessed groundbreaking scientific advancements. Notably, Michael Faraday and John Daniell’s discoveries in electrochemistry revolutionized contemporary chemistry and altered how electricity was utilized. The concept of electromagnetic induction was birthed, bringing transformative technological changes. 


Moreover, the invention of the telegraph by Samuel Morse in the 1830s paved the way for global networking, eradicating long-distance boundaries.

However, this decade was not without its socio-political challenges. The increasing power dynamics between slave and free states in the US were seen as precursors to the looming American Civil War, highlighting the period’s global implications.

Contrasting this with the depiction in “Babel: or the Necessity of Violence,” the novel paints an alternate 1830s Britain, introducing fantastical elements and magic systems while addressing historical themes. 

While the real 1830s was defined by global colonization and technological advancements, “Babel” focuses on the magical nuances of language and its power in a colonial context. 

The concept of silver-working in “Babel,” where meaning lost in translation is converted into magical effects, mirrors the 1830s’ technological revolutions that changed societal structures.

In essence, “Babel” employs an alternate historical framework, infused with magic and fantasy, to comment on the period’s colonial implications and the power dynamics inherent in language and translation. 

While the actual events of the 1830s were marked by global dominance and scientific discoveries, “Babel” offers a nuanced lens, highlighting the complexities of identity, colonialism, and the intricate dance between power and language in an imperial setting.

Author’s Background: R.F. Kuang and the Creation of “Babel”

R.F. Kuang’s personal, educational, and literary journey has been a tapestry of vivid experiences, intellectual exploration, and creative endeavors. 

Her most recent novel, “Babel, or The Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators’ Revolution,” is a testament to this journey, echoing her multifaceted experiences and rich academic background.

1. Personal and Educational Background

Kuang’s educational experiences in the UK, particularly at prestigious institutions like Oxford and Cambridge, are evident in “Babel.” 

At these institutions, she engaged deeply with questions of colonialism and empire. Oxford, with its rich history and magical aura, has inspired countless writers, including Kuang. 

She mentions the impact of writers such as Samantha Shannon, Philip Pullman, and J.R.R. Tolkien, all of whom had some association with the city. Oxford’s rich literary tradition and its magical ambiance seemed to have left an indelible mark on Kuang, leading her to craft her unique version of an Oxford novel.

2. Previous Works and Influences: 

Before “Babel,” Kuang penned the critically acclaimed “The Poppy War” trilogy, which delved into 20th-century Chinese history. Her exploration of colonial themes in “Babel” and her desire to analyze academic power structures might have been inspired by her previous work, especially when addressing the effects of colonialism, postcolonialism, and the inherent violence of empire. Furthermore, “Babel” shares thematic parallels with the Poppy War series, such as the exploration of empire and the moral ambiguities faced by characters in positions of power.

3. Literary Interests and Expertise: 

Kuang’s background as a translator provides a nuanced perspective in “Babel.” The intricacies of translation, the philosophical debates surrounding the authenticity and accuracy of translation, and the evolution of translation theories over time, have piqued her interest. These explorations manifest in the novel’s magic system, where linguistic intricacies create powerful magical effects

The backdrop of “Babel” intertwines real historical contexts with fantastical elements. The foundation of “silverworking,” a speculative technology where linguistic nuances in translation produce magical forces, epitomizes Kuang’s innovative use of language and postcolonial thought to reimagine and challenge historical perspectives.

In conclusion, R.F. Kuang’s background, both personal and professional, combined with her deep academic roots and previous literary ventures, has profoundly influenced the creation of “Babel.” The novel stands as a reflection of her myriad experiences, scholarly pursuits, and her deep dive into the complexities of history, language, and power.

Significance of the Title: “Babel, or The Necessity of Violence”

The title of R.F. Kuang’s novel, “Babel, or The Necessity of Violence,” is laden with historical, linguistic, and thematic significance that reflects the core essence and motifs of the story.

1. Historical & Linguistic Implications: 

The term “Babel” is historically and biblically significant. In the Book of Genesis, the Tower of Babel represents humanity’s attempt to build a tower that reaches the heavens, an act of hubris that resulted in God confusing their language, causing them to speak different tongues and scatter across the earth. 

This event is a foundational myth for explaining the origin of different languages and the division of humanity. In the context of Kuang’s novel, the Royal Institute of Translation is more commonly referred to as “Babel”. By naming this elite institute “Babel,” the novel evokes notions of linguistic power, division, and the consequences of attempting to harness such power.

2. Thematic Essence

The novel revolves around the power of translation, especially how translating words with the help of silver can harness magical capabilities for the benefit of the British Empire and its expansion. 

The very act of translation becomes a source of power, but it also emphasizes the violence that comes from misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and the misuse of such power. This connection between language, power, and violence is encapsulated in the latter part of the title, “The Necessity of Violence.” 

It hints at the inherent violence associated with colonialism, power dynamics in elite academic institutions, and the broader implications of linguistic control.

3. Reflecting on the Novel’s Core: 

In the novel, the young protagonist, Robin Swift, grapples with his dual identity – being a gifted scholar favored by elite British academics while also confronting the prejudices against his Chinese heritage. 

As he discovers the empire’s sinister use of linguistic magic to further its goals, even at the expense of distant lands like China, he faces a moral and identity crisis. The title underscores this tension, suggesting that violence, both physical and cultural, is an inevitable consequence of such power dynamics and imperial ambitions.

4. Capturing Readers’ Imagination: 

Titles hold immense power. As suggested by the research on literary titles, they serve as the first point of contact between the writer and the reader, potentially influencing the decision to delve deeper into the text or bypass it entirely. 

In the case of “Babel,” the title is not just descriptive but also provocative, encouraging readers to explore the nuances of linguistic magic, historical revisionism, and the moral ambiguities of empire-building.

In conclusion, the title “Babel, or The Necessity of Violence” is a masterful encapsulation of the novel’s themes, offering layers of meaning that speak to the story’s exploration of language, power, identity, and the inevitable costs of unchecked ambition.


“Babel” by R.F. Kuang is nothing short of a masterpiece, blending meticulous research, linguistic prowess, and storytelling prowess into a narrative that delves deep into themes of colonization, power dynamics, and the intricacies of language. The author’s ability to craft a narrative that resonates both historically and fantastically is commendable.

Robin’s journey is both personal and emblematic, serving as a lens through which readers can explore the broader colonial machinations at play while also diving into the intimate struggles of a young boy navigating complex identities in a world rife with prejudice and racism. The poignant depictions of racism and colonialism, seamlessly interwoven with elements of fantasy, challenge traditional historical narratives, making readers reevaluate their understanding of the past.

The story’s engagement with the theme of language and its power, particularly in the context of empire, is a standout feature of the novel. As one quote aptly summarizes, “Language was always the companion of empire, and as such, together they begin, grow, and flourish. And later, together, they fall.”

The acclaim and reviews “Babel” has garnered attest to its brilliance. Descriptions like “inventive and engaging” from the New York Times Book Review, “absolutely phenomenal” from S.A. Chakraborty, and “masterpiece” from multiple authors emphasize the significant mark the book has left on its readers.

Kuang’s narrative prowess, showcased in her earlier works, is again evident in “Babel,” solidifying her position as one of the premier fantasy authors of her generation.

In conclusion, “Babel: or the Necessity of Violence” is a must-read, offering a rich tapestry of history, fantasy, and profound socio-political insights, all encapsulated in a narrative that captivates from start to finish.

The Power and Essence of a Title: Unraveling “Babel”

The power of a title extends far beyond mere words on a page; it serves as a window into the heart of a narrative, offering a glimpse of its depth, nuances, and themes. R.F. Kuang’s “Babel, or The Necessity of Violence” exemplifies this by intertwining linguistic, historical, and thematic elements, crafting a title that beckons readers into a world of linguistic magic, colonial power dynamics, and moral dilemmas. 

As the linchpin of a story’s identity, a well-chosen title not only encapsulates the essence of the narrative but also ignites curiosity, prompting readers to embark on a journey of discovery and reflection. In the vast landscape of literature, it is these thoughtfully titled works, like Kuang’s, that often leave the most enduring impact on readers’ minds and hearts.


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